Virtual Appliance - Hyper-V

To deploy the Plixer FlowPro virtual appliance for Hyper-V environments, note the following system requirements and proceed with the instructions that follow.

System Requirements

Component Minimum Specifications
Disk 20GB SATA drive
Processor 2.0 GHz Quad Core CPU
Operating System Hyper-V 2012

Importing a Virtual Machine

  1. Unzip the latest Plixer FlowPro virtual appliance package on the Hyper-V server.
  2. In Hyper-V Manager, select Import Virtual Machine and browse to the Plixer FlowPro Appliance system folder.
  3. Select the virtual machine and import type.
  4. Go to Settings, select the network adapter, and assign it to the appropriate virtual switch.


The Plixer FlowPro appliance comes with two interfaces: ‘mgmt’: for virtual appliance management and ‘mon1’: the default monitoring interface. It requires a mirrored port to be associated with ‘mon1’. To set up a mirrored port, reference the latest Hyper-V documentation.

  1. In the network adapter’s Advanced Features section, set the MAC address to Static, enter a unique MAC Address, and click OK.
  2. Start the virtual machine, right-click on it, and select Connect.
  3. Log in with the username flowpro and password flowpro and wait for the server to reboot after a quick setup.
  4. Issue the edit license command to enter the license key.
  5. Paste the license key between the EOT markers after the label license= in the [Client] section of the plixer.ini file. The license key may span multiple lines.
  6. Press CTRL+X to save.


When adding additional monitoring interfaces to the virtual appliance, be sure to use the interface naming convention ‘monX’ so that Plixer FlowPro recognizes them as monitoring interfaces (for example: mon1, mon2).