Ingress, Egress and Observation Domain ConfigurationΒΆ

The default behavior for traffic monitoring is to label the flows from each interface as its own ingress and egress (mon1 = ingress on 1, egress on 1). The observation domain is fixed at 42 by default. However, Plixer FlowPro can be configured to label the flows as coming from any licensed ingress and egress interface, and/or from any observation domain.

For example, users may want to label traffic monitoring so ingress is mon1 and egress is mon2. This is done by modifying the plixer.ini file.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the editor from the FLOWPRO> prompt: FLOWPRO> edit plixer.ini.
  2. In the editor, locate the line: monitorTraffic=mon1. When specified in this format, mon1 is configured for ingress of 1 and egress of 1.
  3. To allow Plixer FlowPro to configure mon1 to have an ingress of 1 and egress of 2, modify the setting in the following format: monitorTraffic=mon1:1:2. The format to use is monX:ingress:egress.
  4. Save the plixer.ini file. Plixer FlowPro will then restart the services with the new configuration. Note that the values for ingress and egress are limited to the maximum number of licensed interfaces.

The observation domain ID identifies the source of the IPFIX flows to the collector, which in this case is the Plixer FlowPro appliance. In most cases, there is no need to change the default value.

To define a different observation domain for an interface, follow these steps:

1. Modify the plixer.ini file as before using the format monX:ingress:egress:observation_domain. The ingress and egress labels must also be set when setting the observation domain.

2. To change the observation domain for mon1 from the default to 45, while keeping the ingress and egress values set above, modify the configuration setting specified above to read as: monitorTraffic=mon1:1:2:45.

  1. To use the default ingress/egress values for mon1 but change the observation domain to 45: monitorTraffic=mon1:1:1:45.