Update installation

Follow the steps below to update the current Plixer FlowPro instance to v20.1.0:


The update to Plixer FlowPro 20.1.0 requires the current instance to be on v20.0.0 or higher.

  1. Ensure that a backup of the current install has been saved to an external location, as part of the recommended preparatory procedures.

  2. SSH to the Plixer FlowPro instance as the plixer user and start a new tmux session:

    tmux new -s upgrade
  3. Download the update package for Plixer FlowPro 20.1.0:

    curl -k -o update-flowpro-20-1-0.sh https://files.plixer.com/downloads/flowpro/20/update-flowpro-20-1-0.sh
  4. Set the correct permissions for the update script:

    sudo chmod +x update-flowpro-20-1-0.sh
  5. Run the update script:

    sudo ./update-flowpro-20-1-0.sh -s release

Once the script completes running, the system must be rebooted to update the kernel and complete the upgrade to FlowPro 20.1.0.


On Plixer Scrutinizer 19.5.x and below, the Plixer FlowPro APM key will need to be re-entered after the probe is upgraded.

Offline updates

To update a Plixer FlowPro instance that cannot access the Internet, follow these steps:

  1. Download the update package from a system with Internet access.

  2. Copy the package to the home directory of the plixer user.

  3. Follow the online update procedure above starting from step 4.

Once the script completes running and the system reboots, the Plixer FlowPro instance will be on v20.1.0.