User API¶
The user API functionality allows creating user accounts within Plixer Scrutinizer and adding them to user groups at the same time.
When using the API, pass the following mandatory fields:
- authToken
- The authentication token from Scrutinizer that allows access to API.
- rm
- The runmode for accessing the API. It is specific to each section of the product. user_api will be used for each of the following examples.
- action
- The list of available actions will change with each request. Below is a list of available actions within the user_api run mode:
Action | Description |
createUser | Allows the creation of user accounts within Plixer Scrutinizer. You can add the accounts to user groups at the same time. |
delUsers | Allows the deletion of user accounts within Plixer Scrutinizer by ID or name. |
createUsergroup | Creates user groups. You can add members at the same time. |
delUsergroups | Deletes user groups. |
membership | Changes usergroup membership. When adding or removing a user, either “user_id” or “user_name” would be used but, not both as shown below. |
prefs | Makes changes to the user preferences for individual accounts. It contains an array of preferences and new settings. |
permissions | Makes changes to a user group’s permissions. |
changeUsername | Changes the name of a user account. |
Creating users¶
The createUser action allows creating users within the API. It calls for an additional field:
- json
- An array of users each contains the name, password and group template that user will be a member of.
JSON object expected:
"name": "MyAdmin",
"name": "MyGuest",
Field | Description |
users | An array of all users to be created. Multiple users can be created at once. If only one user is needed, this will be an array of one. |
name | The name for the new user account. |
pass | The password for the new user account. |
membership | An array of usergroup_ids from the plixer.usergroups table. The user will be added to these groups when the account is created. You can add your own usergroups. By default, there are two groups installed. Group 1 is the Administrators group. Group 2 is reservered for Guests. |
JSON object returned:
"data": [
"id": 3,
"name": "MyAdmin"
"id": 4,
"name": "MyGuest"
Field | Description |
data | An array of responses for each user account that Scrutinizer attempted to create. |
id | The new user_id of the user account that was created. |
name | The name of the account created (by design this is identical to the name passed in). |
Example API call
curl --location --insecure --request POST '{{scrutinizer}}/fcgi/scrut_fcgi.fcgi' \
--form 'authToken={{authToken}}' \
--form 'rm=user_api' \
--form 'action=createUser' \
--form 'json=
"name": "MyAdmin",
"pass": "MyPass",
"membership": [ 1 ]
"name": "MyGuest",
"pass": "OtherPass",
"membership": [ 2 ]
If Plixer Scrutinizer is using a self-signed certificate, add --insecure
to the header options to tell curl to ignore it.
Deleting users¶
The delUser action allows the deletion of user accounts within Plixer Scrutinizer by ID or name. There is an additional field used with the action:
- json
- An array of users where each contains the name, password and group template that user will be a member of.
JSON object expected:
Field | Description |
delUsers | An array of all users to be deleted. You can delete multiple users at once. If only one user is needed, this will be an array of one. |
id/name | The user_id of the user to be deleted. Alternatively, the name of the user can be used also. |
JSON object returned:
"Deleting user id 11 (1 matched)",
"Deleting user named 'MyGuest' (1 matched)"
"Deleting user id 207 (0 matched)",
Field | Description |
data | An array of responses for each user account that Plixer Scrutinizer attempted to delete. The example includes a failure message when a user did not exist. |
Example API call
curl --location --insecure --request POST '{{scrutinizer}}/fcgi/scrut_fcgi.fcgi' \
--form 'authToken={{authToken}}' \
--form 'rm=user_api' \
--form 'action=delUsers' \
--form 'json=
Creating Usergroups¶
You can use the createUsergroup action to create user groups and add members at the same time. It requires an additional field:
- json
- An array of usergroups. Each entry contains the name of the usergroup, the id of the usergroup to use as a template, and the id or name of the users to be added to the group.
JSON object expected:
Field | Description |
usergroups | An array of responses for each usergroup that Scrutinizer attempted to create. |
name | The name to be applied to the usergroup |
template_usergroup | the id of the user group to use as a template for creating a new user group. |
users | An array of all users to be added, by user ID or username. If only one user is needed, this will be an array of one. An empty array will create an empty user group |
JSON object returned:
"error":"A usergroup already exists with that name"
Field | Description |
data | An array of responses for each user group that Plixer Scrutinizer attempted to create. |
id | The new usergroups_id of the user group that was created. |
name | The name of the user group created (by design this is identical to the name passed in) |
members | An array of user IDs or user names for the members successfully added to the group |
error | Any errors encountered during the creation of a particular user group |
Example API call
curl --location --insecure --request POST '{{scrutinizer}}/fcgi/scrut_fcgi.fcgi' \
--form 'authToken={{authToken}}' \
--form 'rm=user_api' \
--form 'action=createUsergroup' \
--form 'json=
Deleting user groups¶
The delUsergroups action deletes user groups. It has an additional field:
- json
- An array of usergroups. Each entry contains the name or ID of the usergroup to be deleted.
JSON object expected:
"delUsergroups": [
"My Usergroup"
Field | Description |
delUsergroups | An array of responses for each user group that Scrutinizer attempted to delete |
id/name | The usergroups_id or exact name of the user group to be deleted |
JSON object returned:
"Deleting usergroup named '3' (1 matched)",
"Deleting usergroup id My Usergroup (0 matched)"
Field | Description |
data | An array of responses for each usergroup that Plixer Scrutinizer attempted to delete. |
Example API call
curl --location --insecure --request POST '{{scrutinizer}}/fcgi/scrut_fcgi.fcgi' \
--form 'authToken={{authToken}}' \
--form 'rm=user_api' \
--form 'action=delUsergroups' \
--form 'json=
"delUsergroups": [
"My Usergroup"
Modifing group membership¶
The membership action changes user group membership. When adding or removing a user, use either “user_id” or “user_name”, but not both as shown below. There is an additional field that can be used with the membership action in the user API:
- json
- Contains two arrays, “add” and “remove,” which have information on each membership change.
JSON object expected:
"user_id": 13,
"usergroup_id": 2
"usergroup_id": 4
Field | Description |
membership | Contains two arrays, “add” and “remove,” which have information on each membership change |
user_id | Required for the user with preferences to change |
user_name | An alternative to user_id. It can be the plain text name of the user. |
usergroup_id | The ID from plixer.usergroups that the user will be added to or removed from. |
usergroup_name | An alternative to usergroup_id. It can be the plain text name of the user group. |
JSON object returned:
"User 13 added to usergroup 1",
"User 14 added to usergroup 3",
"User 15 removed from usergroup 4"
Field | Description |
data | An array of responses for membership updated |
added | Contains an array of either statements of success or statements of errors explaining why the membership change failed |
removed | Contains an array of either statements of success or statements of errors explaining why the membership change failed |
Example API call
curl --location --insecure --request POST '{{scrutinizer}}/fcgi/scrut_fcgi.fcgi' \
--form 'authToken={{authToken}}' \
--form 'rm=user_api' \
--form 'action=membership' \
--form 'json=
"membership": {
"add": [
"user_id": 3,
"usergroup_id": 17
"user_id": "USER2",
"usergroup_id": "GROUPB"
"remove": []
Editing user preferences¶
The prefs action makes changes to the user preferences for individual accounts. It contains an array of preferences and new settings.There is an additional field used with the prefs action in the user API:
- json
- the user_id and array of prefs each contains the pref code and setting value to be modified.
JSON object expected:
"user_id": 11,
Field | Description |
user_id | Required for the user with preferences to change |
prefs | An array of user preferences and setting values |
pref | The Scrutinizer user preference to edit |
setting | The value that will be set for the user_id specified |
JSON object returned:
"data": {
"updated": [
"statusTopn updated to 10 for user_id 11",
"language updated to english for user_id 11"
"errors": []
Field | Description |
data | An array of responses for each preference change updated or attempted |
updated | Messages for any preference successfully changed |
errors | Any errors encountered while changing preferences |
Example API call
curl --location --insecure --request POST '{{scrutinizer}}/fcgi/scrut_fcgi.fcgi' \
--form 'authToken={{authToken}}' \
--form 'rm=user_api' \
--form 'action=prefs' \
--form 'json=
Changing permissions¶
The permission action makes changes to a user group’s permissions. Users inherit permissions from their user group. There is an additional field used with the permissions action in the user API:
- json
- An array of permissions each contains a usergroup identifier (name or ID), the security code and permission type to be modified.
JSON object expected:
"permissions": {
"add": [
"usergroup_name": "Dashboarders",
"permission_type": "gadget",
"seccode": "lLabelCPU"
"remove": [
"usergroup_name": "ReadOnlyReporters",
"permission_type": "plixer",
"seccode": "allGadgets"
Field | Description | |
permissions | Contains two arrays, “add” and “remove,” which have information on each permission change | |
add/remove | Each contains an array of objects of permissions and user groups | |
usergroup_id | The ID from plixer.usergroups that the user will be added to or removed from | |
usergroup_name | An alternative to usergroup_id, and can be the plain text name of the user grou | |
permission_type | differentiates the types of permissions. Options include: | |
Permission | Description | |
device | A hex representation of the IP address of a device (e.g. ‘0A010107’) | |
interface | Hyphenated, a hex representation of the IP address of a device followed by the interface index (e.g. ‘0A010107-1’) | |
group | The group ID of a map/device group from plixer.groups | |
report | The saved_id of a saved report from reporting.saved_reports | |
gadget | The gadget_id of a dashboard gadget, from plixer.dash_gadgets (e.g. ‘welcomeGadget’) | |
thirdparty | The id of a 3rd party link from plixer.third_party | |
bboard | The bulletin board id from plixer.alm_bulletin_boards | |
plixer | A static string of permission codes we use for different parts of the product (e.g. ‘adminTab’ or ‘viewUserIdentity’). There are over 30 of these on initial install and control a wide range of feature access. | |
seccode | another field in plixer.usergroups_permissions and contains the permission. It will be different depending on the “type” (e.g. “1” for interface 1, “0A010107” for a device, etc.) | |
seccode | Description | |
3rdPartyIntegration | Create, edit, and delete third-party integration links | |
ackBBEvent | Ability to acknowledge events on Alarms tab bulletin boards | |
adminTab | Access the Admin Tab | |
alarmSettings | Configure alarm notifications | |
alarmsTab | Access the Alarms tab | |
allBBoards | View all Alarms bulletin boards | |
allDevices | The status of all devices and each of their interfaces | |
allGadgets | Every gadget created on the Dashboards tab, by any user | |
allGroups | Access to all maps/device groups created in Scrutinizer | |
allInterfaces | Report on interfaces for any device | |
allLogalotReports | All Logalot Reports | |
allReportFolders | Permission to all saved report folders | |
allReports | Saved reports created by any user | |
allThirdparty | All configured third-party links will be available | |
almDelete | Permission to permanently delete alarms | |
ApplicationGroups | Configure Application Groups | |
asnames | Configure AS Names | |
auditing | Access the Auditing report containing logs of Scrutinizer user actions | |
auth | Manage external authentication tokens | |
Authentication | Manage external authentication types | |
authLdapServers | Manage LDAP server configuration used for Scrutinizer authentication | |
awsSettings | AWS configuration | |
changeUserPasswords | The ability to change the passwords of other users without needing their credentials | |
createDashTabs | Create new Dashboards | |
createUsers | The ability to create new local Scrutinizer user accounts | |
CrossCheck | View and edit CrossCheck configuration, which determines device up/down status | |
crossCheckView | Access to the CrossCheck methods table view in Status > Views | |
dashboardAdmin | Manage all dashboards created by any user | |
DataHistory | Configure settings that control how long Scrutinizer stores data of different granularities | |
deleteReport | Ability to delete saved reports regardless of owner | |
deleteUsers | The ability to delete local Scrutinizer user accounts | |
DeviceDetails | Edit device interface details | |
EmailNotifications | Configure the mailserver Scrutinizer will use to send reports and emails | |
faExclusions | Configure Flow Analytics exclusions | |
fa_mgmt_link | Configure Flow Analytics thresholds and settings | |
feedbackForm | Access the link to send feedback to Plixer | |
FlowAnalyticsSettings | Global Flow Analytics settings | |
helpTab | Access the Help tab | |
HostNames | Edit Host Name information | |
IPGroups | Configure Scrutinizer IP Groups | |
language | Create and edit language localization settings | |
licensing | Configure Scrutinizer product licensing and features | |
LogalotPrefs | Configure global alarms settings | |
MACAddresses | Configure device MAC Address information | |
ManageCollectors | Manage the devices collecting flow data for Scrutinizer | |
ManageExporters | Manage the devices exporting flow data to Scrutinizer | |
mappingGroupConfiguration | Create and edit Maps/Groups | |
mappingObjectConfiguration | Create and edit Mapping Objects | |
mapsTab | Access the Maps tab | |
myViewTab | Access the Dashboards tab | |
NotificationManager | Manage alarm notifications | |
PolicyManager | Manage alarm policies | |
protocolExclusions | Edit which protocols are discarded from flow reports | |
proxySettings | Configure proxy server settings in Scrutinizer | |
radiusConf | Manage RADIUS server configuration used for Scrutinizer authentication | |
ReportDesigner | Design new custom report types | |
reportFilters | Permission to update the filters used in Status Tab reports | |
reportFolders | Manage saved report folders | |
reportSettings | Reporting engine configuration options | |
runReport | Ability to run flow reports | |
saveReport | Ability to name and save flow reports | |
scheduledReports | Create, edit, and delete scheduled email reports | |
sf_asa_acls | Configure ASA ACL descriptions | |
SNMPCredentials | Manage SNMP credentials used to poll device information | |
srCreate | Schedule a saved report to be emailed on a regular basis | |
sso | Add, Delete, and Edit Identity Provider configuration for Scrutinizer’s Single Sign-On Integration | |
statusTab | Access the Status Tab | |
syslogNotifications | Syslog server configuration | |
SystemPreferences | Administrative access to global Scrutinizer preferences | |
tacacsConf | Manage TACACS+ server configuration used for Scrutinizer authentication | |
tos | Edit TOS Configuration | |
userAccounts | Access to the Users view on the Admin Tab, listing ALL users instead of only the current one | |
usergroups | Manage Scrutinizer usergroups | |
viewUserIdentity | View identity and access information relevant to GDPR restrictions | |
viptelaSettings | Viptela Settings | |
Vitals | View the Scrutinizer server vitals reports | |
wkp | Edit WKP Configuration |
JSON object returned:
"data": {
"errors": [],
"updated": [
"Added gadget permission lLabelCPU to usergroup 26 ",
"Removed plixer permission allGadgets from usergroup 27 "
Field | Description |
data | An array of responses for each permission change updated or attempted |
updated | Messages for any sucessful changes to permissions |
errors | An array of errors explaining why the permission change failed |
Example API call
curl --location --insecure --request POST '{{scrutinizer}}/fcgi/scrut_fcgi.fcgi' \
--form 'authToken={{authToken}}' \
--form 'rm=user_api' \
--form 'action=permissions' \
--form 'json=
"permissions": {
"add": [
"usergroup_id": 23,
"permission_type": "plixer",
"seccode": "statusTab"
"remove": []
Changing user names¶
The changeUsername action allows editing the name of a user account. It requires an additional field:
- json
- An array of user groups each containing the existing name of user, the new user name to be set. Alternatively, the user_id can be used instead of the oldname field.
JSON object expected:
Field | Description |
user_id | The user ID of the account to be changed |
oldname | An alternative to user ID, and contains the current name of the user |
newname | Contains the name to which you wish to change this user |
JSON object returned:
"message": "User myUser successfully renamed to OpSCT"
Field | Description |
data | An array of responses for each preference change updated or attempted |
message | Contains either a statement of success or an error explaining why the name change failed |
Example API call
curl --location --insecure --request POST '{{scrutinizer}}/fcgi/scrut_fcgi.fcgi' \
--form 'authToken={{authToken}}' \
--form 'rm=user_api' \
--form 'action=changeUsername' \
--form 'json=