Virtual Appliance deployment guide

What you need to know about deploying a Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance

The Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance can be obtained from Plixer or your local reseller. It is downloaded as an all-in-one virtual appliance, which can be deployed on an ESXi v5.5 and above or Hyper-V 2012 hypervisor.

  • You will need to obtain an appliance license or evaluation license from Plixer or your local reseller for the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance to function properly.
  • It is recommended to give the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine NIC a static MAC address to prevent the machine ID from changing. This is especially important in clustered virtual environments where the VM can change hosts and MAC addresses. If the MAC address changes, the VM will need a new license key.
  • The Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance is deployed on a hypervisor server. It will use 100GB of disk space, 16GB of RAM, and 1 CPU with 4 cores.
  • The performance you get out of a Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance will be directly dependent on the hardware on which it’s deployed. It’s recommended to dedicate, not share, all the resources that are allocated to the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine. This is especially important for the Plixer Scrutinizer datastores. In environments with high volumes of NetFlow data, Plixer Scrutinizer will require dedicated datastores which are discussed in further detail later in this document. Plixer Scrutinizer hardware appliances are recommended for deployments with an exceedingly high volume of flow as they are designed to handle the highest flow rates.
  • With the default of 100GB of disk space, you can store up to 1 month of NetFlow v5 data from 25 devices at 1,500 flows a second. If you’re planning on exceeding this volume of flow data, or if you need to store data for longer than 30 days, there are detailed steps indicated below that will show you how to expand the amount of disk space allocated to the appliance.
  • To enable the ability to shut down the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance through vSphere, install VMware Tools using the instructions in this document. Using the “Power -> Off” method will result in database corruption.

System requirements

The Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance has the following requirements:

Component Minimum Specifications
(for trial installations)
Recommended Specifications
(for production environments)
Disks 100GB 1+ TB 15K RAID 0 or 10 configuration
Processor 1 CPU 4 cores 2GHz+ 2 CPUs 8 Cores 2GHz+
Operating System ESXi 5.5+, Hyper-V 2012, KVM 14 ESXi 6+, Hyper-V 2012, KVM 16

Plixer Scrutinizer OVF deployment on ESX

  1. Download the latest Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance

  2. Using VMware vSphere, or vCenter, connect to the ESX host where you will deploy the appliance

  3. Right-click a host you would like to deploy the appliance on. Choose the Deploy OVF Template menu option.

  4. Select “Local file” and browse to the downloaded Plixer Scrutinizer OVF file and the Plixer Scrutinizer VMDK file, then click “Next”.

  5. Give your Plixer Scrutinizer VA a name and press “Next”.

  6. Select an ESX to deploy the machine on if your host is not already selected and press “Next”.

  7. Review the details of the virtual machine and press “Next”.

  8. Select your datastore, set your disk format to “Thin Provision” and press “Next”.


    Be sure to read the Optimizing Plixer Scrutinizer Datastores section to obtain the best performance and collection rates.

  9. Select the network to be used by the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance.

  10. A summary of the options you chose will appear. Click “Finish” and it will import the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance. This can take a few moments.

  11. Before powering on the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine, it’s important to set a static MAC address for licensing purposes. Right-click on the Plixer Scrutinizer VM and select “Edit Settings…”

  12. Select the Network adapter, set the MAC Address to Manual, enter in a unique MAC Address, and then proceed to the next step.

  13. The next step is to allocate and dedicate resources to the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine. For evaluation purposes, the Plixer Scrutinizer OVF grabs 1 CPU with 4 cores, 16GB of RAM, and 100GB of disk space.

    When deploying the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance it’s recommended to increase the resources to meet the recommended system requirements listed earlier in this document. Since all installs will vary, more resources may be required.

    Increase the CPU, and Memory settings as necessary (see system requirements section for more detail).

  14. Next, expand the CPU and Memory sections. Under both,, set the “Shares” value to High and set the “Reservation” maximum value to the number of resources dedicated to the virtual machine. Now press “OK”.


    The amount of RAM in the screenshot below is on a small test ESX server, so it won’t match a production install.

  15. Right-click on the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine and power it on.

  16. Click the console preview window and select “Open Remote Console”. A new window will open and you can then login to the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance using plixer/scrutinizer.


    The server will perform a quick setup and immediately reboot.

  17. Log in to the server again and answer the provided questions. Press “Enter” and the server will reboot to apply the necessary settings.

  18. Now log in to the Plixer Scrutinizer web interface in your web browser and apply the necessary license key.

Upgrading the Virtual Machine Hardware Version for ESXi

The Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance is built on Virtual Machine Hardware Version 11 to maintain backwards compatibility with older ESX hypervisors. If you’re running vSphere 6.0 or 6.5 you can take advantage of the newer feature sets by upgrading the Virtual Machine Hardware Version as indicated below.

  1. While the virtual machine is powered off, in vSphere (or vCenter), right-click on the virtual machine and under the “Compatibility” menu, select “Upgrade VM Compatibility”.

  2. Next, power on the virtual machine

Installing VMware Tools for ESXi

After you have gone through the initial Plixer Scrutinizer configuration, you should enable VMware Tools on the appliance. VMware Tools is not installed by default because each version of ESX comes with a different VMware Tools package.

  1. Log in to the appliance as the plixer user. Use the password you set in the initial deployment.
  2. Launch the interactive scrut_util:
[plixer@scrutinizer ~]$ /home/plixer/scrutinizer/bin/scrut_util
  1. In the Plixer Scrutinizer interactive prompt, enter the following command:
SCRUTINIZER> enable vmwaretools
  1. Once the command completes successfully, type exit or quit to terminate the interactive prompt.


    Installing VMware Tools allows you to properly shut down the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine from within vSphere by going to Power > Shut Down Guest.

    When shutting down the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine, DO NOT select Power > Power Off, as it will result in database corruption. Powering off a virtual machine is equivalent to unplugging a physical computer.

Expanding the database size for ESXi

Depending on the volume of NetFlow data that will be sent to the Plixer Scrutinizer appliance, you may need to expand the size of the database. Expanding the size of the database is a multi-stage process. If you have any questions, please contact Plixer support .

  1. Power off the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine by logging in and issuing the “sudo shutdown -h now” command.

  2. Add an additional hard drive to your Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance by right-clicking on the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine and going to “Edit Settings…”

  3. Click the “New Device” dropdown and select “New Hard Disk”.

  4. Expand the New Hard disk settings. Choose the type of Disk Provisioning and alter the Capacity of the disk size. Press “OK”.

  5. Power on the virtual machine by right-clicking on the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine in vSphere. Mouse over to “Power” -> “Power On”.

  1. Now that the new hard drive is added, we have to resize the volume group, the partition volume, and the file system so that Plixer Scrutinizer can use the newly allocated space.

    • Start by logging in to the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance as the ‘plixer’ user
    • Start the Scrutinizer interative utility by running ‘scrut_util’
    • Type ‘show diskspace’ to view the current size of the database, which is mounted on /var/db. This is the current size of disk before we add the new space.
    • Type ‘show partitions’ and make note of the disk in use for the newly added space.
  2. Now that we know the disk to use, we can run a command to use the newly added space. There will be an interactive prompt to follow. One of the questions asked is if you have taken a backup of your data before proceeding.

    • Type ‘set partitions /dev/sd[from above]’
    • In the example in this guide, /dev/sdb is the correct partition.
    • Confirm that the new diskspace was added to the volume group.
    • The next step will be automatic, please be patient. When it’s finished, you can run ‘show diskspace’ and see the new size of the files system mounted on /var/db

Plixer Scrutinizer deployment on Hyper-V

  1. Download the latest Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance

  2. Unzip the file on your Hyper-V server

  3. Open Hyper-V Manager and select Import Virtual Machine

  4. Specify the Scrutinizer_Hyper-V folder

  5. Select the Virtual Machine

  6. Choose Import Type

  7. Go to Settings

  8. Make sure the memory is set to 16GB.

  9. Select your Network Adapter and assign it to the appropriate Virtual Switch.

  10. Expand the Network Adapter section, select Advanced Features, set the MAC Address to Static, enter a unique MAC Address, and then press “OK”.

  11. Start the Virtual Machine.

  12. Right-click on the Virtual Machine and click Connect to log in to the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance using plixer/scrutinizer.

  13. Log in to the server again and answer the provided questions. Press “Enter” and the server will reboot to apply the necessary settings.

  14. Now log in to the Plixer Scrutinizer web interface in your web browser and apply the necessary license key.

Expanding the database size for Hyper-V

Depending on the volume of NetFlow data that will be sent to the Plixer Scrutinizer appliance, you may need to expand the size of the database. Expanding the size of the database is a multi-stage process. If you have any questions, please contact your support representative.

  1. Power off the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine by logging in and issuing the “shutdown -h now” command.

  2. In the Hyper-V Manager, right-click on the Plixer Scrutinizer virtual machine and select “Settings”.

  3. Next, select the IDE Controller and click “Add” to a hard drive.

  4. Under Virtual hard disk, select “New”.

  5. On the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard, select “Next”.

  6. On the Choose Disk Format page, select VHDX. It’s common for Plixer Scrutinizer VMs to expand past 2TB of disk space, so VHD is not recommended.

  7. On the Choose Disk Type page, select your preferred disk type and then press “Next”.

  8. On the Specify Name and Location page, give your VHDX a name and then select the location for the virtual disk.

  9. Set the size of the new virtual disk and then press “Next”.

  10. Review the new disk settings and then click “Finish”.

  11. Power on the Virtual Machine.

  12. Follow from step 6 onward under the “Expanding the database size for ESX” section of this manual.

Plixer Scrutinizer deployment on KVM

  1. Create a directory for your install

    mkdir kvm/Scrut_VM_Guide/

  2. Download the latest Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance to your KVM install

    Command line example:




Contact support for latest image if the URL above does not work.

  1. Unzip the file on your KVM server to your new folder.

    sudo tar xvzf Scrutinizer_KVM_Image.tar.gz

  2. Run your script to install Plixer Scrutinizer

    sudo ./


At this point, you should see that your machine has been created from the image we deployed:

  1. Lastly, we just need to log in to the machine now that it is deployed. Run this command to get to the console:

    virsh console Scrutinizer

You will be prompted to log in; the default credentials are plixer/scrutinizer. The machine will reboot and you will be asked to log in again. This time you will be presented with a shell script asking for networking information. Follow the on-screen instructions and celebrate!


Optimizing Plixer Scrutinizer datastores

Due to the nature of NetFlow, large deployments require a very high volume of disk I/O. For the best performance, the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance should be deployed on a dedicated 15,000RPM RAID 10 datastore, with the amount of disk space that is required to meet your history setting requirements; 1.8 TB of disk space in RAID 10 is the recommended datastore deployment size.

If Plixer Scrutinizer is deployed on shared drives, such as a storage area network (SAN) or network-attached storage (NAS), then collection rates cannot be guaranteed as the collection rates will directly depend on what other applications are also using the same disk I/O.

In high flow volume environments, if you cannot get dedicated datastores, it’s recommended to use a Plixer Scrutinizer Hardware Appliance for the dedicated resources and higher collection rates.


Q: I got an UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY error when trying to power on the Plixer Scrutinizer Virtual Appliance. What do I do now?
A: This error indicates that the clock on the ESX server is not set correctly and is in the past. As a result, the disk checks fail which does not allow the virtual machine to start. To resolve this, set your ESX host to sync with an NTP server and then redeploy the Plixer Scrutinizer OVF.

Q: How do I stop/start the services?
A: Run the following commands (stop|start means type one OR the other): | service plixer_flow_collector stop|start | service plixer_syslogd stop|start | service httpd stop|start | service plixer_db stop|start

Q: I have a German ‘QWERTZ’ keyboard layout, how come I keep getting password failures when logging into the appliance for the first time?
A: On the German ‘QWERTZ’ keyboard layout, the Z and Y keys are switched. You’ll need to login with the password ‘scrutiniyer’.