Search IP Groups¶
This feature is useful for searching Plixer Scrutinizer for IP Groups with a partial string or a full name. This feature can be used to search for IP Groups with comparisons such as “like ‘UK Office” or “notLike ‘Email Server”. There are four additional fields that you can use with the search
name - The name of the IP Group (or string) to find in Plixer Scrutinizer.
fc_name_comp - Specifies the comparison criteria for search results. Valid options are [like|notLike].
page - Default is 1, which loads the first page of pagination.
maxRows - The number of results per page returned in the API response.
Example API call:
curl --location --insecure --request POST '{{scrutinizer}}/fcgi/scrut_fcgi.fcgi' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--form 'authToken={{authToken}}' \
--form 'rm=ipgroups' \
--form 'action=search' \
--form 'name={{search_term}}' \
--form 'fc_name_comp={{search_type}}' \
--form 'page=1' \
--form 'maxRows=10'