Report Designer is used to create new reports that are not part of the core reporting solution.
Report Folders manages saved report folders found in the Status tab under saved reports. Notice the Membership drop down box: - Folders: Select a folder and add or remove reports from it. - Reports: Select a report and add or remove folders it can be found in.
Scheduled Reports is used for editing, disabling, and deleting scheduled reports.
Report settings¶
The Reporting page is accessible via Admin Tab -> Settings. This page includes system configuration options related to Scrutinizer reporting.
Following is the list of options available:
Business Hours End: The end of the business day as an integer. 5pm = 17
Business Hours Start: The start of the business day as an integer. 8am = 8
CSV include all rows: Checkbox. If checked, all rows will be included in the csv instead of the Top X selected in the report.
Display Others on Top: Report Graphs can display the ‘Other’ traffic on top of or below the top 10.
Display raw MAC addresses in reports: Checkbox. When checked, MAC addresses will appear in reports in raw format. When unchecked, it will display the first 3 bytes as the manufacturer name.
Limit All Device report results: Only this many results will be returned if set to a non-zero value when running all device reports.
Max Aggregations from Data Source: This value limits the number of intervals used to run a report. Click here for more detailed information on this configuration option.
Max Report Processes: Each report run will use this as a maximum number of sub processes. This breaks reports up by time or exporters depending on which will be faster.
Max Reports per Email: The maximum number of saved reports a user is allowed to include in a scheduled email report. Including too many reports in a single email can result in timeouts. The default is 5.
Max Reports per Interval: The maximum number of reports, users are able to schedule for the same minute. The default is 5.
Push Data Aggregation: Checkbox. Apply data aggregation when pushing temp tables from collector to reporter. (Only applies to Distributed collector environments.)
Re-use temp tables: Checkbox. With this option turned on, reports will use existing temp tables when possible.
Target graph intervals: The maximum number of intervals allowed in a graph. Default = 300
Report designer¶
The Report designer is used to create new reports that are not part of the core reporting solution. It can be used against any flow template even when byte counts are not available. These new report types only appear on devices that are exporting the necessary elements in templates. The steps to design a new report:
Copy an existing report design or select ‘New’.
Enter a name for the new report design.
Select a device that is exporting the template that is needed for the report.
Select a template from the device. After selecting a template, click [Open Raw Flows] to verify that the element is contained in the template.
Select an element in the template for the first column.
Specify the column name. It is best to try and keep it short. Specify the treatment.
Average: takes the average of the total (total values divided by the number of matches).
Count: Counts the number of entries in consideration of the ‘group by’ columns.
Count Distinct: Counts the number of entries in consideration of the ‘group by’ columns, but if a matching flow shows up more than once, it is only countedonce.
Max: Display the maximum value.
Min: Display the minimum value.
Sum: Adds up the values
Group By: Group the matching values together.
Rate vs. Total
Rate: Trend the data by rate per second.. Total will not be an option in the drop-down box after the report is run.
Total: Trend the data by total per interval. Rate will not be an option in the drop-down box after the report is run.
Rate (default) / Total: Trend the data by rate per second. Total is an option in the drop down box after the report is run.
Rate / Total (default): Trend the data by total per interval. Rate is an option in the drop down box after the report is run.
Stack or Unstacked
Stacked: Trend the data as a stacked trend. Non Stacked is not an option in the drop-down box after the report is run.
Non Stacked: trend the data as an unstacked trend. Stacked trend is not an option in the drop-down box after the report is run.
Stacked (default) / Non Stacked: trend the data as a stacked trend. Non Stacked is an option in the drop-down box after the report is run.
Stacked / Non Stacked (default): trend the data as an unstacked trend. Stacked trend is an option in the drop-down box after the report is run.
The new report will show up in the run report menu in a category named “Designed Reports” when the template(s) from the device contain the elements necessary for the report.
The report will not work outside of one minute intervals if rollups are not being performed on the template in a format that is supportive of the report created.
The columns can be reordered. Grab a row in the table with the mouse and move it up or down, then release it.