Mapping Groups¶
The Mapping Groups page is used to configure and manage the device groups used to generate Network Maps.
The page’s main view displays all existing Mapping Groups alongside the following details for each one:
Type (Spatial or Geographic)
Number of Map Objects
Number of Connections
Timestamp when the group was last modified
Username under which the map/group was created
Groups are also listed with icons indicating their type and status, as well as a three-dot menu to access shortcuts for common group configuration actions.
Configuration tray
Clicking on a Mapping Group name in the main view opens a configuration tray for the map/group.
The tray is divided in to the following sections:
Settings |
View/edit current map settings |
Objects |
Add new Map Objects or view/edit current objects |
Connections |
Add new Connections or view/edit current Connections |
Background |
Upload and/or change the image used as the map’s background |
All options/actions in the configuration tray are also accessible in Map Edit mode when viewing Network Maps.
Creating new Mapping Groups
As an alternative to the map creation wizard, new Network Maps can also be set up from the Admin > Mapping Groups page.
To create a new map/group, follow these steps:
In the main view, click on the Add (+) button to open the New Group tray.
Select the type of map to create and enter a name for it.
Click Apply to save the new map/group and close the tray.
After the map has been created, properties, Map Objects, and Connections can be set via its configuration tray or from the Monitor > Network Maps page.
Bulk actions
When one or more Mapping Groups are selected using their checkboxes, the following bulk actions can be accessed via the Bulk Actions button:
Adding/editing Map Objects
Deleting selected maps/groups