Deployment guide - AWS¶
To deploy Plixer Scrutinizer under AWS, start by going to the AWS Marketplace product page to subscribe to the service.
After subscribing, proceed with the following steps to continue the deployment process:
Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard in the AWS console and click Launch Instance.
In the navigation pane, select My AMIs and choose the Plixer Scrutinizer AMI from the list.
For flow rates up to 10,000 flows per second, select C5.2xlarge as the instance type. If expected rates exceed 10,000, contact Plixer Technical Support for assistance.
Navigate to the Configure Instance Details page, set Shutdown Behavior to Stop and enable Termination Protection.
Select the network and subnet to assign to the instance using the dropdowns and assign the IP addresses to the AMI.
Because AWS does not allow an active instance’s primary private IP address to be released, it is recommended to deploy the AMI with two NICs and use the secondary NIC as the collection interface.
When prompted to add storage, leave the root volume size (
) at the default 100 GB capacity. To add additional storage, allocate additional disks after the instance is running by following these instructions.(Optional) Add tags to categorize your AWS resources (e.g., by purpose, owner, or environment) to streamline resource management.
When prompted to configure the security group for the instance, either create a new security group to define firewall rules for the Plixer Scrutinizer instance or assign it to an existing group with the necessary firewall rules.
Verify the instance launch details via the Review Launch before clicking Launch to assign a key pair to the instance and complete the process.
Do not lose the SSH key that you will be asked to generate as part of the deployment process, because it is the only way to access the server via SSH.
The C5 instance is recommended because it is the configuration used by our engineering and QA teams for testing.
Once the instance has been launched, SSH to the server as ec2-user
using the following command and use sudo su -
to elevate to root:
ssh -i /path/to/key/key.pem ec2-user@scrutinizerIPaddress