Plixer FlowPro LicensingΒΆ

To obtain a Plixer FlowPro license, contact and provide Plixer Technical Support with the Customer ID and Machine ID found in Admin > Plixer > FlowPro Licensing.


Before deploying the appliance, you must apply the license and define Plixer FlowPro in Plixer Scrutinizer first.

Plixer FlowPro license management is done via the admin interface in Plixer Scrutinizer.

  1. In the Plixer Scrutinizer web interface, navigate to Admin > Plixer > FlowPro Licensing.

  2. Enter the license details provided for your Plixer FlowPro.

  3. After providing your license details, navigate to Admin > Resources > Manage FlowPros.

  4. Click the + icon to add a Plixer FlowPro probe. Assign a unique name and enter the Plixer FlowPro MGMT interface IP address.


    This IP address must be used in the inital MGMT setup of the appliance on first boot.

  5. Enable the Default NIDS Rules to allow the use of open-source threat feed NIDS rules for network event reporting.

  6. Click Save, and then proceed to setting up the appliance.