Plixer FlowPro

The integration of Plixer FlowPro with Plixer Scrutinizer involves setting up Plixer FlowPro as a data source within Plixer Scrutinizer to enable the seamless transfer and analysis of network traffic data.

Configuration Guide

After setting up a Plixer FlowPro, configure integration in Plixer Scrutinizer as follows:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Plixer > FlowPro Licensing.

  2. Paste the Plixer FlowPro license key.

  3. Click Save.


To learn more about Plixer FlowPro licensing options, contact Plixer Technical Support.

When configured and integrated, Plixer Scrutinizer is able to monitor and provide insights to network performance in real time, diagnose issues, and quickly identify the root causes.

The following Plixer FlowPro APM Reports also become available under the Reports section:

Application Latency

Application latency reporting measures the delay or time an application takes to send a request and receive a response. It is a critical metric for assessing the responsiveness of applications.

Application Latency (old)

This report refers to historical data on application latency, providing insights into how latency has changed. Analyzing historical data can help identify trends and potential issues.

Host Jitter

Jitter is the variation in the delay of received packets. Host Jitter measures the irregularity in the packet arrival timing at the destination host. It is crucial for understanding network stability and potential performance issues.

Host Jitter By SSRC (Dst)

This report breaks down the host jitter by Synchronization Source (SSRC) at the destination. SSRC is a unique identifier assigned to each synchronization source in a multimedia session.

Hosts Latency (Dst)

Measures the latency at the destination host; it provides insights into the delay experienced by packets as they reach their destination.

Hosts Latency (Src)

Like Hosts Latency (Dst), this report measures latency at the source host. It helps in understanding the delay introduced by the source system.

Host to Host Latency

Host to Host Latency measures the overall latency between two hosts, from source to destination. It considers the complete round trip time for data transfer between the specified hosts.

Re-transmission By Application

Indicates the number of times an application has to retransmit data due to packet loss or other network issues. High re-transmission rates may suggest network congestion or unreliable connections.

Re-transmission Host to Host

Like Re-transmission By Application, this metric focuses on retransmissions between two hosts.

Top Applications

This report provides information on the network’s most used or resource-intensive applications. Monitoring top applications helps identify bandwidth consumption and potential performance bottlenecks.


If there are issues with the integration, try the following steps:

  • Check Plixer Scrutinizer logs for errors.

  • Verify that the correct credentials were entered during configuration.

For additional assistance, contact Plixer Technical Support.