Upgrading to v19.5.2

Because Plixer Scrutinizer v19.5.2 uses a new operating system (OS), a v19.4.0 install is required for the upgrade. If you are running an older version, follow this guide to upgrade your server/appliance to v19.4.0.

For assistance or clarifications, contact Plixer Technical Support.


  • The upgrade will take at least one hour to complete.

  • The plixer user SSH password will be needed during the upgrade. If necessary, it can be reset when the OS upgrade script is run.

  • If root login is enabled on the Plixer Scrutinizer server, it will be disabled as part of the upgrade.

  • If the Plixer Scrutinizer server is able to access files.plixer.com, the REPO_HOST variable should be set to files.plixer.com for the steps outlined below. For offline upgrades, the IP address of the offline repo should be used instead.

Upgrade process

The process of upgrading a v19.4.0 Plixer Scrutinizer server to v19.5.2 involves the following steps:

  • Backing up the v19.4.0 database and server-specific files

  • Downloading the operating system upgrade script, olmigrate.run, and running it a total of four times (with a reboot between runs)

  • Downloading and running the Plixer Scrutinizer v19.5.2 installation script (scrutinizer-install.run)

  • Verifying that the v19.4.0 data has been successfully migrated after v19.5.2 is installed

Pre-upgrade preparation

OS migration

Once all preparation steps have been completed, follow these steps to migrate the v19.4.0 appliance to the new operating system:


  • For offline upgrades, REPO_HOST should point to the IP address of the offline repo instead of files.plixer.com.

  • In distributed clusters, complete the upgrade for all remote collectors before upgrading the primary reporter.

  • To verify the current progress of the OS upgrade at any time:

    cat /etc/motd

    or check versions between runs (NAME= and VERSION= lines):

    cat /etc/os-release
  • If any errors are encountered during the upgrade process, run the following to collect log files:

    sudo tar -czf /tmp/olmigrate_logs.tar.gz /var/log/olmigration/ /var/log/leapp/ /var/log/messages /var/log/Scrutinizer-Install.log

    Afterwards, move /tmp/olmigrate_logs.tar.gz off the server before reverting. Plixer Technical Support will require the logs to better assist you with any issues.

  1. SSH to the v19.4.0 server to be upgraded as the plixer user.

  2. Verify that the current working directory is correct (plixer):

    cd /home/plixer/
  3. Download the OS upgrade script and its checksum file:

    curl -k -o olmigrate.run https://$REPO_HOST/plixer-repo/scrutinizer/19.5.2/olmigrate.run
    curl -k -o olmigrate.run.sha256 https://$REPO_HOST/plixer-repo/scrutinizer/19.5.2/olmigrate.run.sha256
  4. Validate the integrity of olmigrate.run:

    sha256sum -c olmigrate.run.sha256
  5. Update permissions for the OS upgrade script:

    chmod a+x olmigrate.run
  6. Run the olmigrate.run script a total of four times:

    REPO_HOST=files.plixer.com ./olmigrate.run -- -k


    Reboots between runs of the OS upgrade script (olmigrate.run) can take a long time. Before trying to reconnect to the server, start a PING to the Plixer Scrutinizer IP address and wait for it to become available again. Do NOT manually reboot the server.

After the fourth olmigrate.run run (there will be no reboot), the OS migration will be complete.

Upgrading to Plixer Scrutinizer 19.5.2

Once the appliance is on the new OS, Plixer Scrutinizer can be upgraded to v19.5.2 as follows:

  1. Change directories to /tmp:

    cd /tmp/
  2. Download the Plixer Scrutinizer v19.5.2 installation script and its checksum file:

    curl -k -o scrutinizer-install.run https://$REPO_HOST/plixer-repo/scrutinizer/19.5.2/scrutinizer-install.run
    curl -k -o scrutinizer-install.run.sha256 https://$REPO_HOST/plixer-repo/scrutinizer/19.5.2/scrutinizer-install.run.sha256
  3. Validate the integrity of scrutinizer-install.run:

    sha256sum -c scrutinizer-install.run.sha256
  4. Update permissions for the installation script:

    chmod a+x scrutinizer-install.run
  5. Run scrutinizer-install.run to begin the upgrade to Plixer Scrutinizer v19.5.2:

    REPO_HOST=files.plixer.com ./scrutinizer-install.run -- -k
  6. After the installation script finishes running, reboot the appliance:

    sudo shutdown -r now
  7. After the reboot, run the following commands to verify that the system is in working order:

    scrut_util --check heartbeat --type database
    scrut_util --check heartbeat --type api


    For distributed environments, the heartbeat checks should only be run on remote collectors after the primary reporter has been upgraded, and the the cluster has been reestablished.

If the heartbeat checks are successful, then the Plixer Scrutinizer appliance has been successfully upgraded to v19.5.2.

Offline upgrades to v19.5.2

The following instructions for setting up an offline repo are intended for upgrading to Plixer Scrutinizer v19.5.2 only.

  1. Deploy a new Plixer Scrutinizer v19.4.0 VM and assign an IP address to it.

  2. SSH to the VM as the plixer user:

    ssh plixer@SCRUTINIZER_VM_IP
  3. Create the offline repo directory and assign it the correct permissions:

    sudo mkdir /var/db/big/offline
    sudo chown plixer:plixer /var/db/big/offline
  4. Download the offline tar file for 19.5.2 and its checksum file:

    curl -o /var/db/big/offline/19.5.2_offline.tgz https://files.plixer.com/plixer-repo/scrutinizer/19.5.2_offline.tgz
    curl -o /var/db/big/offline/19.5.2_offline.tgz.sha256 https://files.plixer.com/plixer-repo/scrutinizer/19.5.2_offline.tgz.sha256
  5. Validate the integrity of 19.5.2_offline.tgz:

    sha256sum -c /var/db/big/offline/19.5.2_offline.tgz.sha256
  6. Extract the offline tar file:

    cd /var/db/big/offline
    tar xvf 19.5.2_offline.tgz
  7. Create a symlink in the html directory to the offline repo:

    ln -s /var/db/big/offline/plixer-repo /home/plixer/scrutinizer/html/plixer-repo

After the offline repo has been set up, the VM’s IP address should be used in place of files.plixer.com for REPO_HOST in the upgrade instructions.