Upgrading to v18.14

To upgrade to Plixer Replicator v18.14 from v18.5 or higher, follow the steps described below.


For clarifications or assistance with upgrading, contact Plixer Technical Support.

Upgrade requirements

  • v18.5 or higher installed

  • An active Internet connection

Upgrade instructions

Before performing an upgrade (or any other system change), it is highly recommended to use the backup interactive mode command to back up the Plixer Replicator database.

  1. SSH to the appliance as the replicator user and start a new tmux session:

    tmux new -s upgrade
  2. Download the upgrade script:

    cd /home/replicator/files
    curl -k -o upgrade_18.14.sh https://files.plixer.com/downloads/replicator/18/upgrade_18.14.sh
  3. Set the correct permissions for the upgrade script:

    chmod 755 upgrade_18.14.sh
  4. Run upgrade_18.14.sh:


After the upgrade is complete, the appliance will automatically reboot. To verify that the upgrade was successful, launch interactive mode and check the version number when the tool loads.