Upgrading to v19.0.1

To upgrade to Plixer Replicator v19.0.1, v18.14 or higher is required.


For clarifications or assistance with upgrading, contact Plixer Technical Support.

Upgrade requirements

  • v18.14 or higher installed

  • CentOS 7 (OS)

  • An active Internet connection

Upgrade instructions

Before performing an upgrade (or any other system change), it is highly recommended to use the backup interactive mode command to back up the Plixer Replicator database.


Backups are stored in /home/replicator/backups. To restore from a backup file, use the restore command.


When upgrading Plixer Replicator appliances in HA configurations, the fail-over appliance should be upgraded before the primary to minimize downtime.

The following instructions cover the upgrade process for both primary and fail-over appliances in HA configurations:

  1. SSH to the appliance as the replicator user and start a new tmux session:

    tmux new -s upgrade
  2. Download the installer/upgrade script:

    cd /tmp
    curl -o replicator-install.run https://files.plixer.com/plixer-repo/replicator/19.0.1/replicator-install.run
  3. Download the checksum file and validate the integrity of the replicator_install.run file:

    curl -o replicator-checksums.txt https://files.plixer.com/plixer-repo/replicator/19.0.1/replicator-checksums.txt
    cat replicator-checksums.txt
    sha256sum replicator-install.run
  4. Set the correct permissions for the installer:

    chmod 755 replicator-install.run
  5. Run replicator-install.run:


After the upgrade is complete, the appliance will automatically reboot. To verify that the upgrade was successful, launch interactive mode and check the version number when the tool loads.


After upgrading a fail-over appliance in an HA deployment, use the role test secondary interactive mode command to verify the current HA configuration before proceeding to upgrade the primary appliance.