Setting up SSLΒΆ

SSL support can be enabled for the Plixer Replicator during the initial deployment process. Alternatively, a user can run the /home/replicator/conf/ script to enable SSL at a later time.


An active Internet connection is required to download the latest OpenSSL and httpd packages.

The script will walk the user through the creation of a self-signed SSL certificate, and the following information will be required:

Name Field


Country name

The two-letter ISO abbreviation for a country

example: US = United States

State / province

The state/province where the organization is located (no abbreviations)

example: Maine

City / locality

The city where the organization is located (no abbreviations)

example: Kennebunk


The full legal name of the organization

example: Plixer

Email address

The email address for the CA (whom to contact)

example: someone@your.domain

Common name

URL to attach to the certificate

example: or

Extra attributes

A challenge password and an optional company name can be added to the certificate request