Setting up SSLΒΆ

SSL support can be enabled for the Plixer Replicator during the initial deployment process. Alternatively, a user can run the /home/replicator/conf/ script to enable SSL at a later time.


An active Internet connection is required to download the latest OpenSSL and httpd packages.

As part of the process, the script will walk the user through the creation of a self-signed SSL certificate.

Enter the following information when prompted to create the certificate:

Name Field


Country name

The two-letter ISO abbreviation for a country

example: US = United States

State / province

The state/province where the organization is located (no abbreviations)

example: Maine

City / locality

The city where the organization is located (no abbreviations)

example: Kennebunk


The full legal name of the organization

example: Plixer

Email address

The email address for the CA (whom to contact)

example: someone@your.domain

Common name

URL to attach to the certificate

example: or

Extra attributes

A challenge password and an optional company name can be added to the certificate request