Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)

When Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) username reporting is enabled, Plixer Scrutinizer is able retrieve username lists, search flows for specific usernames, and run additional reports related to Cisco ISE user traffic.


Username reporting integration in Plixer Scrutinizer supports Cisco ISE versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.0, 2.1, and 2.3.

Enabling ERS

Before setting up Cisco ISE username reporting in Plixer Scrutinizer, External RESTful Services (ERS) should first be enabled on the ISE appliance as follows:

  1. On the ISE server, create a new user with the following permissions:

    • ERS Admin

    • ERS Operator

    • Super Admin

    • System Admin

  2. Test the configuration using an external host via a Postman GET request using the URL: https://[ISE_server_address/ise/mnt/Session/AuthList/null/null


    When creating the GET request using Postman, navigate to the server using a browser and agree to use a bad certificate. Leave that window open.

Visit the Cisco website to learn more about enabling ERS for the supported ISE versions.

Configuring steps in Plixer Scrutinizer

  1. SSH into the Plixer Scrutinizer server as the plixer user and run /home/plixer/scrutinizer/bin/scrut_util to launch the scrut_util interactive CLI.

  2. At the SCRUTINIZER> prompt, enter:

    SCRUTINIZER> ciscoise add [ISE_IP] [ISE_TCP_port] [ISE_user>]

    This adds a Cisco ISE node from which username data for active sessions can be retrieved. ISE_IP and ISE_TCP_port refer to the the ISE server’s address and TCP port number and ISE_user refers to the user previously created on the same server.

  3. When prompted, enter the password for the ISE user.

After all configuration steps have been completed, all functions associated with Cisco ISE username reporting will immediately be enabled.


It may take several minutes before usernames are displayed in the web interface.

scrut_util commands for Cisco ISE

Information about other scrut_util commands related to Cisco ISE username reporting can be found here.