Manage ML DimensionsΒΆ

The Admin > Alarm Monitor > Manage ML Dimensions page is used to manage the communication types used as dimensions/features by the Plixer ML Engine for network behavior modeling.

The main table view of the page includes the following details for each dimension:


Current operational status of the dimension (green: Enabled, grey: Disabled)


Communication protocol monitored


Communication port monitored

Internal Only

Option to interrogate only internal communications

Used For

Type of inclusion/source the dimension is applied to


Field used for data aggregation

Grouped By

Field used to group observed flow data

Created By

ID of dimension creator

Last Modified

Date and time the dimension was last modified

Adding a new ML dimension

To add a new dimension, follow these steps:

  1. In the main view, click the (+) button to open the Add Dimension tray.

  2. Select whether the dimension to be added is for hosts or for Exporters.

  3. In the secondary tray, click the + button and fill in the form with the following information:

    • A name for the dimension


    Host dimensions are prefixed with CLIENT- while Exporter dimensions are prefixed with NET-.

    • Field to use for grouping (can only be changed for host dimensions)

    • Aggregation method/field

    • Protocol to monitor

    • Port to monitor

  4. Set the toggles to the desired configuration.

  5. Verify that the details and settings entered are correct and then click the Add button.

The settings for existing dimensions can be edited at any time by clicking on them to open the configuration tray.

Bulk actions

When one or more dimensions are selected using their checkboxes, the following bulk actions become available:

  • Enabling/disabling all selected dimensions

  • Deleting all selected dimensions

Additional page options

  • Filtering options (by name, protocol, port, aggregation, and grouping field) can be accessed by clicking the Filters button.

  • General page options, such as the number of entries shown and export actions, can be accessed by clicking the Options (gear) button.