System Performance¶

The Admin > Resources > System Performance page can be used to monitor resource utilization and performance for individual Collectors in the Plixer Scrutinizer environment.

The page is divided into an activity timeline and an overview table listing all active Collectors alongside their utilization details.

The timeline can be set to display one of the following metrics via the dropdown:

  • CPU (%)

  • Memory (GB)

  • Host Index size (%)

  • Alarm database size (%)


Hover over a point in the timeline to view the Collector’s address and highlight its activity.

Active Collectors

In the overview table, drilling down into a Collector opens a more detailed view with the following information:

  • Current and predicted disk utilization

  • Current vs. allocated disk space based on configured data retention settings

  • Current and predicted disk utilization per roll-up interval bucket


Recommended CPU core and memory allocation charts can also accessed from the dropdown on this page.