Generating Forecasts

After running a Report from the Run Report page, the user will have the option to generate a Forecast based on the Report’s data.


Forecasts are available for all report types.

The following details from the Report will be used to generate the Forecast:

  • Hosts

  • Data points

  • Time period covered

  • Filters applied

At the Report output page, verify that the settings and the data covered by the Report match the Forecast requirements, before clicking the Forecast button and entering a name for the new Forecast.


For more detailed information on Reports, see the Reports section of this documentation.

After the Forecast has been successfully created, the main Forecasts page will automatically be opened.

Forecasting Horizon Control

By default, Forecasts are generated with the optimal horizon and seasonality based on the volume of data sampled by the Report used.

Forecasting Horizon Control allows the user to override this behavior and manually define the horizon and seasonality for a Forecast by appending the desired parameters to its name.

This is done using the following syntax when prompted to name a Forecast:

<forecast_name> ? <horizon_integer> <time_unit> with [no | auto | null] [season] <season_integer> <time_unit>


The Forecasting Horizon Control feature supports the use of natural language, so a Report titled VPN Usage ? for 3 months with a season of 14 days will generate a Forecast with projected values for 3 months after the end of the Report data and a seasonality of 14 days.