Forecast managementΒΆ
The Forecasts page shows the following details for each Forecast listed:
ID number
Name of the base Report
Name of user who created the Report
Current status of the forecast (Initializing -> Starting -> Data Retrieval -> Processing -> Strategy Selection -> Learning -> Prediction -> Complete)
In some cases, it may take up to several minutes for the Forecasting task to progress from Initializing to Complete.
Date the Forecast became ready to view
The following actions can be also be performed from the Forecasts page:
Updating Forecasts - Click the refresh button to update a Forecast to use the latest data from reports with dynamic settings (under the Custom dropdown when configuring Report settings) for the time period covered.
Forecasts based on reports with a specific time window can also be refreshed but will return the same projects as before. To generate a new Forecast with adjusted date and time settings, run a new report of the same type and create a Forecast with it.
Viewing/re-running Reports - Click a Report name to view the Report whose data was used to generate the Forecast*
Deleting Forecasts - Use the checkboxes to select one or more Forecasts and click the Delete button to remove them from the system permanently.