Editing a dashboardΒΆ
Settings and gadgets for existing dashboards can be modified as long as it has not been set to read only.
To enter edit mode for the current dashboard, click the Edit Dashboard button.
Once in edit mode, the following options are available:
Basic settings - Click the pencil icon to change the dashboard name and toggle its default and read only settings. The dashboard can also be deleted from this menu if it is not locked or set as the default.
Dashboard Options - Click the meter icon to create a new dashboard, and copy/delete the current dashboard. User and user group access options can also be accessed from this menu.
Add Gadget - Click Add Gadget to configure the dashboard with additional gadgets. Selecting gadgets from the list will automatically add them to the dashboard, while clicking New Gadget will bring up a form to import a gadget via a URL. Clicking the checkbox next to a gadget enables the Delete Selected button to delete the selected gadget/s.
Move Dashboard Gadget - Mouse over a gadget and click and hold the directional cursor to move the gadget to a new position within the dashboard.
Remove Gadgets - Mouse over a gadget and click the - icon to remove it from the current dashboard.
After making the necessary modifications to the dashboard, click Exit Edit to save the current configuration and return to the standard view.