Dashboard management¶
Dashboard management functions can be accessed either via the New Dashboard button or by going into edit mode for the current dashboard and clicking the meter (Dashboard Options) button.
Managing user/usergroup access
To modify user or usergroup dashboard access, follow these steps:
Click either the User access to dashboards or Usergroup access to dashboards button in the Dashboard Options.
Select a user or usergroup from the dropdown.
Use the arrow buttons to move dashboards between the Visible (accessible) list and the Available (all Dashboards) list.
Click Save to save the current settings and return to the previous dashboard.
Once the access settings are saved, the selected user or user group is displayed in the dashboards dropdown.
Deleting dashboards
If it has not been set as the default or read only, the current dashboard can be deleted from the basic settings menu (pencil icon).
To delete multiple dashboards from the web interface, follow these steps:
Click the Edit Dashboard button, and then click Dashboard Options.
Click either the User access to dashboards or Usergroup access to dashboards button.
Select the dashboards to delete from either list. The dashboards should not be any user’s default or set to read only.
Click the Delete button to permanently delete all selected dashboards and return to the previous page.
The Delete button will only be available if it is possible to delete the selected dashboards (not any user’s default or set to read only).
Deleted dashboards will no longer be accessible by any user or usergroup and removed from the system entirely.