Maps and objects

Network Maps can be generated as one of two types:

  • Spatial Maps allow Map Objects to be positioned and/or grouped in any layout. Custom connections, objects, and labels can also be added and overlaid against uploaded backgrounds (e.g., wiring cabinet/diagram) to create detailed environment representations.

  • Geographical Maps have Map Objects automatically laid out according to longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates, which can be entered manually or acquired through a Google Maps GPS lookup of the entered address. This type of map can help quickly identify devices with issues, even when there are multiple topologies and/or segments dispersed across different physical locations.


For Geographical Maps to function correctly, a Google Maps browser API key must first be set up under Admin > Settings > Mapping Groups > Global Settings (Classic UI only).

When creating a new map, a wizard walks the user through the process of defining the Mapping Group and adding Connections.

Existing maps can be viewed and edited from the main Network Maps page and/or added to Dashboards.

Map Objects

To create a new Network Map, the Mapping Group it will be based on must first be populated with Map Objects of the following types (in any combination):

  • Devices/Exporters

  • Other Mapping Groups

  • Custom Map Objects (Spatial Maps only)

In Spatial Maps, Map Objects can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the background to create the desired layout. Objects in Geographical Maps will automatically be repositioned after an address or coordinates have been associated with them.


After a map is first generated, the default zoom may show Map Objects positioned closely together/on top of each other. Object positions will be updated and saved after they have been moved (either manually or based on GPS location).

When clicked, Map Objects also function as shortcuts to the Explore > Exporters page with a device filter applied (Spatial Maps only).

Custom Objects

To allow for greater detail and accuracy in Spatial Maps, custom objects may be added to the corresponding Mapping Groups.


Custom objects can be created when editing a Network Map or via the Admin > Settings > Mapping Objects page. When adding Map Objects to a new map, only existing custom objects can be added to the Mapping Group.

Custom objects can be displayed as an icon (similar to regular Map Objects) or text and configured with the following properties:

Icon object properties


Icon used to represent the object in the Network Map view
Note: Additional icons in the format of <name>_object.gif can be uploaded to the ~/scrutinizer/html/images/maps directory

IP address

IP address to associate with the object (if applicable)


Label to display for the object in the Network Map view

Additional notes

Additional notes to associate with the object


(Full) URL to open when the object is clicked in the Network Map view


The default map icons for devices/Exporters can also be replaced when modifiying an object’s properties. Additional icons in the format of <name>_red.gif and <name>_green.gif (both required to display the up and down device statuses) should be saved to the ~/scrutinizer/html/images/maps directory. For best results, images with transparent backgrounds should be used.

Text object properties


Label to display for the object in the Network Map view


Background shape for the text object


Only applies when Square is selected as the shape
Text: Selected background color is used as a highlight for the label
Background: Label is set against the background shape and color with the specified dimensions


Dimensions of the background shape in px (height, radius, etc.)


(Full) URL to open when the object is clicked in the Network Map view


Color of the background shape

Once added to a Network Map, custom objects function in the same way as regular Map Objects and can be repositioned or reconfigured as needed.


Once a Network Map has been populated, Connections can be added to represent links between Map Objects.


Connections can be added to Network Maps via the map creation wizard, while in Map Edit mode, or from the mapping configuration trays under Admin > Settings.

Connections can be one of three types:


Capable of showing the following color-based states for flow-capable interfaces on the source device:
  • Green/yellow/orange/red: Utilization based on thresholds defined under Admin > Settings > System Preferences

  • Blue: No bandwidth statement available

  • Dashed gray: No flows received from the device in the last 5 minutes

Additional flow-related information can be viewed by clicking on or hovering over the Connection.


Static link with a specified label and color

Saved Report

Functions as a shortcut to run a saved Report for the connected Map Objects and can be configured with custom utilization thresholds
Note: A Report must be created/saved before it can be associated with the Connection.

Connections are unique to the Network Map they were added to and cannot be re-used in other maps/groups.

Additional map settings

After a Network Map has been created, the following configuration options can be accessed by clicking Map Settings while in Map Edit mode:

Auto-add devices

Automatically adds devices with similar resolved hostnames based on the entered regular expressions (RegEx)

Pass status

When enabled, allows the status of a map/group to be reflected in its icon when it is used as a object in other Network Maps

Truncate labels on

Shortens Map Object labels by omitting the entered string


Replaces the default map background with the uploaded image